SETAR minutes
SETAR minutes are calling minutes provided by SETAR NV in the Tourist Bundles that subscribers can use to call SETAR mobile or fixed numbers. SETAR fixed numbers include numbers that start with 58-, 28-, 52-, and 50-. SETAR mobile numbers include numbers that start with 56-, 59-, 69- and 66-.

Other minutes
Other minutes are minutes provided by SETAR NV in the Tourist Bundles to the customer for them to be able to call the other local provider in Aruba and international. International destinations for the other minutes are: Bonaire, Canada, Colombia, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Maarten, the Netherlands, Panama, and USA Continental.

All the allotted sms in this bundle can be used to send local sms (SETAR and other local providers) and they can also be used for international numbers. International sms countries included are the following: Bonaire, Canada, Colombia, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius, St. Maarten, the Netherlands, Panama, and USA Continental.