Shoulder Piece Luhoso Champagne Golden Guardian Andres Diaz
Shoulder Piece Campeon TOB Protection of the wings of Phoenix Margareth Chin

Body Piece Luhoso Pink for Life Heart of the black diamond Gregory Richardson
Body Piece luhoso 2nd place Pink for life Mystery of diamonds Kendrick Martijn
Body Piece Campeon TOB Protector of the Riches of the phoenix Kimberly Chin
Body Piece Campeon 2nd place TOB Under the spell of the phoenix Gareth Cilie

Mini Road Piece Luhoso Royal Rumba Mambo Rafael Bautista

Roadpiece Campeon OPC Carnival is my rainbow world Jairo Grant
Roadpiece Comercial Infinity Do It Center

Carosa Comercial TOB Carosa di reina di Carnival 64 Super Food.

Best Road show Royal Energy Dancers

Dancing Queen Empire Sulveni Maduro
Dancing King Pink for life Kendrick Martijn

Grupo cu mas ambiente Empire Massa Empire

Seccion Luhoso Dushi Reflection of Pearl Aldrick Croes
Seccion Luhoso 2nd place Empire Exotic Creatures - Black Swan Cindy Martinus

Seccion Campeon TOB Circle of life of the phoenix Carlos Tromp /Kimberly Chin
Seccion Campeon 2nd place TOB Guardians of the Phoenix Diana Helder

Seccion Cultural OPC Dream catchers Indian
Seccion Creativo OPC Dream catchers Indian

Grupo Incentivo Unity/Aruba Doet
Headpieces Innovativo Pink for Life White diamonds

Brassband of the Year Massive Massive Brassband International Roderick Lopez

Queen of Band TOB Protector of the Riches of the phoenix Kimberly Chin
King of Band Pink for life Heart of the black diamond Gregory Richardson

Massa Campeon TOB The Phoenix
Grupo di Aña TOB Rise of the Phoenix