Search results for: Q niger totò《》코드:b77》Analisi Toto d'oltremareᆈE-Sport PallavoloƏCasinò Rosso 9უnbafikఅRonaldo Ferguson🎿isola di natale totoљPremio Globo d'OroǟOrologio Withers Casinò⍦.ict/

Home/Search: Q niger totò《》코드:b77》Analisi Toto d'oltremareᆈE-Sport PallavoloƏCasinò Rosso 9უnbafikఅRonaldo Ferguson🎿isola di natale totoљPremio Globo d'OroǟOrologio Withers Casinò⍦.ict/

Channel line-up

Channel line-up Enhance your vision with more HD channels and great variety of our new channel lineup, scroll to view below or Download pdf 1 Video On Demand 2 WGN [...]

February 2nd, 2016|

FOX Sports ta cambia bira BeINSport

SETAR ta informa cu pa motibo di derecho di distribucion den e region di Caribe, FOX Sports, na canal 142 ta keda reemplaza pa BeINSports. BeINSports ta un canal hopi conoci y gusta, specialmente pa [...]

SETAR Complete Channel Lineup

Channel line-up Enhance your vision with more HD channels and great variety of our new channel lineup, scroll to view below or Download pdf 1 Video On Demand 2 CNN [...]

July 27th, 2017|

Tecnologia Digital pa Adultonan Mayor y Envehecimento Saludabel

Desde 17 di mei 1965, nos ta celebra “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day”. E dia aki tambe ta marca e fundacion di e International Communication Union (ITU) cu ta specialisa den tecnologianan di informacion [...]

Celebracion di 50 aniversario di Dia di Telecom

17 di mei nos ta celebra ‘World Telecommunication and Information Society Day’. Riba e dia aki ta importante pa enfoca un rato ariba e di 50 aniversario di e celebracion aki. Esaki ta wordo celebra [...]

May 16th, 2019|Categories: SETAR, SETAR App|

Cambio di canal UFC Network pa Fighting Sports Network

Televisa, e compania cu ta provee SETAR cu e canal di UFC Network a haci un cambio den nan structura di programacion paasina amplia e diferente eventonan di MMA, cu no ta solamente UFC. E [...]

April 8th, 2017|Categories: Digital cable, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |


IPTV A modern and interactive TV service that gives you the freedom to stream/watch your favorite TV shows, Series, Sports, or Movies anytime you want. IPTV makes it possible to stream live television at [...]

March 8th, 2021|

Hour of Code 2016: Kico ta e “Hour of Code”?

Hour of code den tur klas ta un movimiento mundial cu tur aña ta keda organisa den cuadro di e siman di educacion di computer ( Computer Science Education Week). Aki ta na unda [...]

SETAR cu transmision na SETAR Seroe Blanco pa Rusia 2018

SETAR, como sponsor principal di FIFA Copa Mundial Rusia 2018, ta invita un y tur pa bishita SETAR Seroe Blanco durante e transmision di Telearuba diabierna dia 15 di juni y 22 di juni 2018 [...]

ALERTA pa mensahe di SMS falso.

Si bo a ricibi un SMS cu tin bo nomber y “bel me +44 7006119821 dringende” no yam’e bek y delete e mesora. No forward e tampoco pa ningún hende. Tin varios usuario di [...]

May 18th, 2016|Categories: Alerts|Tags: , , , |

Preparacion na SETAR Seroe Blanco pa Rusia 2018

Tur preparacion ta andando pa SETAR, como sponsor principal di FIFA Copa Mundial Rusia 2018 ta “live” den transmision di Telearuba cuminsando diabierna dia 15 di juni 2018 di 8’or di mainta en adelante. Amantenan [...]

June 14th, 2018|Categories: Campaigns, SETAR App|Tags: , , |

Can I authorize someone else to apply for, change or terminate a service for me?

Yes, it's possible for you to arrange this through someone else. However you need to authorize them first. You can do this using one of the two authorization forms provided below. Both of these forms [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Algun cambio riba e channel line-up di SETAR

Na momento cu haci un cambio, SETAR ta scucha e opinion di su clientenan y a base di esaki, SETAR ta sigui traha pa mehora y complace su clientenan mas. Pa e motibo aki, SETAR [...]

“FOX Deportes” awor riba canal 142 di Cable

SETAR ta informa cu pa motibo di derechonan di transmission den Caribe, FOX Sports, canal 142, ta bira FOX Deportes. FOX Deportes ta un canal amplio cu programacionnan amplio y diversifica, cu ta inclui UEFA [...]


General Disclaimer items applicable to all products and services on this website. Copyright © 2000 - 2016 SETAR NV, Aruba. All website design, text, graphics, and the selection and arrangement thereof are the copyrighted works [...]

February 25th, 2016|

Digital Cable packages

Digital Cable Enhance your vision with more HD channels and an expanded lineup. Create your plan by mixing and matching your own tiers, choosing based on your preference. View Digital Cable Plans Download our [...]

February 2nd, 2016|

What are the requirements to apply for a SETAR service?

Are you a new customer? If so, the following applies New customers: Must be a minimum of 18 years of age Hold permanent employment Possess valid identification (ID card, driver’s license or passport) Provide proof [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Is the Tourist SIM and Tourist Bundle available for locals?

Our Tourist SIM and Tourist Bundles are exclusively offered to tourists. A person is considered a tourist in the case they are a foreign national, can provide any foreign document (id, passport, or driver’s license), [...]

November 19th, 2023|

I would like to transfer my mobile phone contract to another person. Is this possible?

Yes, there is a one-time charge of Afl. 81 for this. If the person to whom you wish to transfer the mobile phone contract isn't a SETAR customer yet, please read the following information: New [...]

March 11th, 2016|


General Disclaimer items are applicable to all products and services on this website. Copyright © 2000 - 2023 SETAR NV, Aruba. All website design, text, graphics, and the selection and arrangement thereof are [...]

October 31st, 2022|

SETAR History

SETAR logo, 1986-2003 SETAR logo. 2003-2016 SETAR renewed branding 2015 The history of SETAR dates back to 1986 when Aruba acquired its Status Aparte in the Dutch Kingdom. Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba (SETAR) was [...]

September 12th, 2016|

Tema pa Dia Mundial di Telecomunicacion 2018: Haciendo uso positivo di Inteligencia Artificial pa tur.

E proposito di observa World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) of Dia Mundial di Telecomunicacion y Informacion ta pa haci nos mas consciente di posibilidadnan cu e uso di Internet y otro informacion y [...]

SETAR ta celebra World Telecommunication and Information Society Day enfocando riba su compromiso cu pais Aruba

Awe 17 di mei, nos ta celebra “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day”. Riba e fecha aki na aña 1965 a ser funda e International Communication Union (ITU) cu ta specialisa den tecnologianan di informacion [...]

SETAR contento pa anuncia e onboarding di Respaldo

SETAR a cuminsa cu un era nobo di servicionan pa nos clientenan corporativo y gubernamental. SETAR ICT Services a bira un realidad den e entrega di e prome fase di e proyecto di Respaldo. Respaldo [...]

July 6th, 2021|Categories: Community, SETAR App|Tags: , , |

How can I manage my Wi-Fi at home?

Download the SETAR Home Internet app to manage your Wi-Fi usage. My Network In my Network, you can view the different Wi-Fi components that creates the Mesh Network. You can see if all Set-top Boxes [...]

November 21st, 2022|

RBC-SETAR Thesis Award 2016-2017 pa Mandy Lacle

Diamars dia 5 di september 2017, Mandy Lacle a bira e di 3 studiante cu ta ricibi e RBC-SETAR Thesis award. A selecta Mandy pa e prestigioso premio di RBC-SETAR pasobra su tesis ta bon [...]

September 25th, 2017|Categories: Community, SETAR App|Tags: |

Setar ta alerta comunidad pa FAKE NEWS over di 5G

No ta custumber di Setar pa reacciona riba noticianan falso cu ta circula riba social media. Nos tur sa cu den e temponan dificil cu Aruba ta pasando aden cu e COVID-19 a bira normal [...]

March 31st, 2020|Categories: Alerts, Mobile, SETAR App|Tags: , , , |

“Hour of Code” buscando mas boluntario pa e siman di 5 pa 9 di december proximo.

Por aplica como boluntario diasabra durante IPA DAG Preparacionnan ta den full swing pa e Hour of Code na Aruba pero mester di mas boluntario. E reaccion di e scolnan cu e participacion na e [...]

SETAR a lanza su campaña di Fin di Aña

Tur aña, yegando e temporada di december, clientenan ta wardando yen di anticipación pa e campaña di fin di aña di SETAR. E aña aki sigur no ta excepción. Durante e programa Magia di Pasco [...]

SETAR ta orguyoso di por anuncia un biaha mas su partnership cu Soul Beach Music Festival.

SETAR ta orguyoso di por anuncia un biaha mas su partnership cu Soul Beach Music Festival. Soul Beach Music Festival ta celebra su di 20 aniversario organisando concierto cu diferente artista y comediante internacional na [...]

SETAR cu World Baseball Classic riba Cable Digital riba canal 100 y HD 355

SETAR ta contento di anuncia cu lo bay pasa tur e weganan di World Baseball Classic (WBC) riba Cable Digital, riba canal 100 y den HD 355. Loke ta haci e World Baseball Classic interesante [...]

I want to return my Set-Top Box, how should I do this?

You can return your Set-Top Box to any SETAR Teleshop. Remember to bring a valid identification document (ID card, driver's license, or passport).

November 21st, 2022|

Internet, Fixed & TV

Internet Fastest Home Internet plans With our Internet plans you are assured of the fastest and most reliable Internet service. View our Cablenet plans Compose your Internet Plan TV Digital Cable packages We offer you six [...]

November 2nd, 2015|

SETAR cu mas canal pa transmiti World Baseball Classic

E weganan di World Baseball Classic ta birando mas y mas interesante, specialmente cu Hulanda ta dunando su mihor durante e weganan. Nos por wak con nos Arubianonan ta briya riba e tereno. Pa no [...]


Digital Cable packages Compose your Digital TV package Channel line-up Service & contact Digital Cable TV FAQ TV Guide??? Digital Cable TV Mix and match the Digital Cable packages SETAR [...]

January 6th, 2016|

Can I setup a payment plan?

Yes, that's possible if you have an outstanding balance. In order to setup a payment plan you need to visit our Teleshop in Seroe Blanco. Please be sure have you the following documents with you: [...]

March 7th, 2016|

Mission Critical solutions

Mission Critical Solutions Communicate safely and securely. We offer you the most reliable trunking radio solutions. TETRA Mission Critical voice solutions have some key elements which include the following: [...]

April 22nd, 2016|

What is required to make an address change?

You can request a change of address at any SETAR Teleshop.You will need to bring proof of registry of this new address (this can be obtained from Censo) and a valid identification document (ID, driver's license [...]

March 7th, 2016|

SETAR y Tennis Aruba ta uni forsa pa e desaroyo di e deporte di Tennis na Aruba.

SETAR ta orguyoso pa anuncia su partnership cu Tennis Aruba den un esfuerso colaborativo pa sostene e desaroyo di Tennis riba nos isla. Door di sponsor e torneo di Tennis Junior Ranking, SETAR ta stimula [...]

SETAR Complete

SETAR Complete Our best home services in one plan. View our SETAR Complete plans Download our channel line-up here SETAR Complete plans Unifying Internet, TV, and Voice [...]

June 29th, 2017|

Interupcion di Servicio di canalnan HD riba Cable.

SETAR ta informa cu debi na trabounan di mantencion riba e red di Cable TV lo tin interupcion di mayoria canalnan HD riba e servicio di Cable TV: Diahuebs dia 9 di november 2017 entre [...]

I want to return my Digital Cable box, how should I do this?

You can return your Digital Cable box to any SETAR Teleshop. Do not forget to bring a valid identification document with you (ID card, driver's license or passport).

March 9th, 2016|

Diabierna 30 di juli ta ultimo dia pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2022

Si e nomber di un negoshi of di un cliente no ta aparece corectamente den e buki di telefon, clientenan tin chens pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2022. Pa haci e cambionan [...]

July 14th, 2021|Categories: Community, SETAR App|Tags: , , |

ARUBA HI-WINDS cla pa su di 31 edicion powered by SETAR

SETAR a sostene e ultimo 20 aña Aruba Hi-Winds cual ta un evento popular cu ta pone Aruba riba mapa mundial di deporte contando cu participantenan di Merca, Europa y Caribbean. Kiteboarding a bira un [...]

July 4th, 2017|Categories: Community|Tags: , , |

SETAR: Hunto nos ta haci un diferencia

E sucedido di vandalismo na Scol Cacique Macuarima ta algo cu sigur a crea un impacto grandi den e comunidad di Aruba. SETAR, Aruba su compania nacional di telecomunicacion, tambe a keda impacta pa e [...]

January 16th, 2020|Categories:, SETAR App|Tags: , , |

SETAR ta invita un y tur pa pasa admira e obranan di arte di nos muchanan.

E siman aki ta e siman final di e competencia di arte riba covernan di Telefon Cellular cu SETAR a organisa pa e temporada di vakantie durante cual muchanan den un manera di entretene nan [...]

SETAR ta introduci pakete nobo di SETAR Complete 60+ y aumento di minuutnan gratis pa telefon fiho

Entrante 1 di oktober 2019, SETAR ta lansa un pakete nobo yama SETAR Complete 60+. SETAR Complete 60+ ta un pakete na un prijs atractivo pa clientenan 60+ di SETAR. E pakete di SETAR Complete [...]

Participa den SETAR Tech Adventure

Ta invita muchanan entre 7 pa 12 aña pa participa den SETAR Tech Adventure! Entre dianan 18 pa 22 di juli 2016 SETAR ta organisa un evento nobo specialmente pa muchanan di 7 pa 12 [...]

July 6th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized| un aplicacion innovativo pa Aruba

Den e era digital, celular ta birando e aparato number un pa tur cos, di chat cu amigonan pa wak television te pa hasi pago. E bentaha ta cu tin tur cos den un solo [...]


Riba varios billboard y via media social, por a nota con SETAR ta promoviendo “SETAR Complete” cu ta un pakete beneficioso pa cliente pasobra e ta ensera e 3 servicio di cas cu ta Internet, [...]

SETAR: Ultimo dia pa haci cambio pa Buki Telefon 2023 ta 30 di juli 2022

Si e nomber di un negoshi of di un cliente no ta aparece corectamente den e buki di telefon, clientenan tin chens pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2023. Pa haci e cambionan [...]

“Youth Tech Event”, un evento grandi di SETAR pa e hubentud di Aruba.

Hopi yamada y pregunta a yega na SETAR pa sa di e fecha 13-4-2019 y kico e ta nifica y te cu diamars ultimo durante un rueda di prensa esaki a keda divulga. SETAR como [...]

March 13th, 2019|Categories: Events, SETAR App|

SETAR ta introduci paketenan nobo yama Pick & Choose

Sinti e libertad di scoge bo servicionan di cas! Entrante 3 di juli 2023, SETAR ta introduci e concepto nobo di su servicionan yama Pick & Choose. Cu Pick & Choose clientenan mes por scoge [...]

SETAR ta introduci 4 canal nobo riba Cable y ta trece cambio den secuencia di canalnan existente.

Entrante 20 di april, clientenan di Cable Digital, SETAR Complete y IPTV lo nota cuatro canal nobo riba nan Line-up y na television. SETAR ta contento di lansa DreamWorks, SYFY, Sony Movies y CNBC riba [...]

SETAR ta lansa su Online Store

Entrante luna di maart clientenan di SETAR por cumpra varios producto, bundles y mucho mas via nos Online Store na E Online Store ta brinda oportunidad pa browse y wak devices y acesorios cu [...]

March 10th, 2021|Categories: Customer Service, SETAR|Tags: , |

SETAR ta lansa canalnan di radio riba Cable Digital

Durante un anochi ameno na Oxygen Lounge SETAR a lansa e servicio di stacionnan di radio riba Cable Digital. Presente na e ocasion tabata gerencia di e radio stacionnan, gerencia di SETAR y e team [...]

SETAR cu campaña di SMS pa yuda e iniciativa di Happy To Give Back

Actualmente nos comunidad ta pasando door di momentonan dificil. SETAR, como Aruba su compania nacional di telecomunicacion, kier aporta unda cu por p’asina hunto nos surpasa e momentonan dificil aki. Di parti di SETAR nos [...]

SETAR: Cambio di e DNS di Setarnet

SETAR ta informa cu entrante 31 di maart 2022 lo tin cambio di e Domain Name System (DNS) di Setarnet. E siguiente IP adresnan lo descontinua y wordo reemplasa cu IP adresnan nobo:   IP [...]

March 23rd, 2022|Categories: SETAR App, Upgrades|Tags: , , , , , |

SETAR N.V. presente na FRED Expo juni 2018 WTC Rotterdam

2 di juni 2018, representantenan di SETAR N.V. ta presente na World Trade Center Rotterdam pa e evento di FRED Expo 2018. Un evento cu ta brinda nos arubianonan estableci na Hulanda, sea studiando of [...]

SETAR y Chadwick Tromp ta anuncia Partnership

SETAR ta contento pa anuncia su partnership cu Chadwick Tromp, e prestigioso Beisbolista den Major League Baseball (MLB) di Atlanta Braves. E colaboracion entre SETAR y Chadwick Tromp riba e tereno di Beisbol ta simbolisa [...]

July 18th, 2023|Categories: Community|Tags: , , |

Randell Boekhouder e prome ganador di SETAR Self Service Kiosk

Den comienso di aña SETAR a anuncia su campaña di Self Service Kiosk unda cu tur cliente cu paga nan cuenta na cualkier Teleshop di SETAR uzando e Self Service Kiosk ta participa automaticamente pa [...]

SETAR ta introduci SETAR APP pa cliente por maneha su cuenta di celular mihor.

SETAR ta introduci su SETAR App. Keda na haltura di e uzo di bo minuut, SMS y data, recarga bo prepaid facilmente door di scan bo caarchi prepago cu bo camara di celular, cumpra bundles, [...]

Te cu dialuna 1 Augustus 2016 tin chens pa haci cambio di nomber pa e Buki di Telefon 2017

E aña aki por haci cambionan pa buki di Telefon te cu dialuna 1 augustus 2016. Si e nomber di negoshi of di cliente no ta aparece of no ta corectamente den buki di telefoon, [...]

July 21st, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Diabierna 31 di juli ta ultimo dia pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2021

Si e nomber di un negoshi of di un cliente no ta aparece corectamente den e buki di telefon, clientenan tin chens pa haci cambio pa e Buki di Telefon 2021. Pa haci e cambionan [...]

Pa prome bes un “Education Reboot” pa docente.

Mayan dia 18 di october lo tuma lugar pa prome lo organisa un AVO Conference (Education Reboot). Esaki lo ta un oportunidad unico pa docentenan haya un briefing di e rol di tecnologia den educacion [...]

Campaña pa gana 300 florin cash cu MiSETAR ta continua pa unicamente 1 siman mas!

Esaki ta e ultimo siman den cual di e special di MiSETAR unda cu clientenan cu registra y scoge pa ricibi nan cobransa “online only” ta participa pa gana Afl. 300,- CASH! SETAR ta cosechando [...]

October 24th, 2016|Categories: Campaigns, MiSETAR|Tags: , , , |


      TERMS AND CONDITIONS MiSETAR self-service portal is operated by Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba (SETAR) N.V. (hereinafter: “SETAR”). Your use of MiSETAR is subject to these terms and conditions. By using MiSETAR [...]

September 14th, 2023|

SETAR cu su campaña “Share Your Joyous Moments”

SETAR ta lanza su campaña di “Share Your Joyous Moments”. SETAR ta invita tur cu kier comparti momentonan special pa haci esaki, sea ta cu un potret, un video, of simplemente scirbi e storia di [...]

SETAR cu “FREE Preview” riba canalnan di FOX Premium

SETAR conhuntamente cu FOX ta anuncia cu awe 19 di october te cu 22 di october, tur cliente di Cable Digital cu no tin FOX Premium den nan pakete por disfruta di e canalnan aki [...]

PBS Kids lo reemplasa Disney XD riba Cable TV

Entrante 1 di April 2022, clientenan di Cable Digital, SETAR Complete y IPTV lo nota cambio den nan cable Line-up. E distribuidor di e canal Disney XD, canal 66 riba Digital Cable y canal 43 [...]

SETAR ta informa di cambio den channel lineup di cable

Durante henter aña SETAR ta traha pa continuamente mehora e opcionnan obtenibel riba e canalnan di cable. Pa e motibo aki tambe, ta informa tin algun cambio riba e channel lineup existente, tanto pa Analog [...]